Personal Development
Do you want to transform your life? Private, business or both?
"There are solutions waiting, to be found!"
Business-Related Skills
- Self-Reflection
- Life-Cycle Assessment (Private / Business)
- Leadership Strengths and Skills (Identification and Development)
- Dealing With Power, Relationship Management
- Personal Branding - Profiling and Social Media Positioning - Influence Management
- Identifying Your Own Strengths and Weaknesses in Alignment With the Company Job Descriptions
- Dealing With Challenging Situation
- Social Competence, Empathizing
- Communication Skills Training
Personal Skills and Competences
- Education, Career, College Choice; Decision-Making Process
- Mediation
- Conflict Resolution
- Dealing With Emotions
- Healthy Self-Image and Self-Esteem
- Recognizing and Developing Talents and Skills
- Early Life Critical Influences
- Re-Orientation in Private or Professional Life
- Self-Motivation
- Setting Healthy Boundaries as a Part of Self-Care